Hi Everyone.

Hi All,

Just wanted to post a quick one to say 'Hi!' - so...Hi!
I've just got in to digital photography, having worked in photo retail from 1986 - 1998, so I got out just as digital was coming in! (It was awful back then!)
So, after waiting 13 years for something to capture my imagination, I purchased a Fujifilm X10 in December '11 then two weeks ago a Fujifilm X-Pro 1 + 35mm 1.4. I love them both, quirks and all!!

Obviously, Im a huge '35mm-head' too - I'm guessing a lot of you are as well - but the real reason I'm here is to learn about digital gear, techniques, post, all that stuff...and this forum looks to be the best place to do that.

So, cheers!
Y'all very kind - thanks.
Lesley, I think you're right....
Hi Matt
welcome ... A couple of folk here with xpro's now
and def a few with a penchant for film!

Ex trade eh ... Me too...
Im expecting to read lots of posts that start with "back in the day" or "when I was at the shop" ;)
Welcome, Matt. I'm a film guy. I shoot a Canon 7D sometimes though. But I don't get the same satisfaction out of digi as I do film. At least not yet. Looking forward to seeing some pics.
Welcome on board Matt - glad you found us :)

You'll fit right in with this crowd - friendliest bunch online I'd say!

Looking forward to seeing some pics