Hi from Donald Bain

Donald Bain

Active Member
Hi to you all
Name Donald, some may know me as Cattach, I live and was born in the County of Sutherland up in the north east of Scotland at the moment living in a wee place call Bonar Bridge.
The word Cattach means belonging to Sutherland.
I just love taking photos mostly landscapes but enjoy all kinds of images just because I can’t take them all well it don’t matter I still love seeing how other people see and capture things in their own particular style creating their own signature so much so that very soon you can pick their photos out of a group of shots so easy as they jump out at you and before you look to find a name you just know who it is and so that makes us all so different even if we just happen to be capturing the same things .
Hope that made sense haha.
Cattach, it's great to hear from you ma ha! Can't wait to see some of those trademark landscapes. All the best, mate.
Hi cattach, hows tricks & welcome on board, you will find this forum, i a great little find ( thanks grezzzzzzzino )
Hi Donald, good to see you again:)
Well Hello Cattach:D How you doin mate look forward to some Scottish Landscapes
