Hi from the south coast of England.

Jerry Paduano

New Member
Hi everyone.

Just joined up, so I thought I'd send you all a greeting.

I've been taking photographs all my life, but began to get really interested about five or six years ago when I started making black and white images. Whilst these were originally digital - and I do still use a D850 - I've moved on (back?) to film, preferring to use either a Rolliecord or a Cambo SF 4x5 monorail view camera. I also do a bit of pinhole work, when I've got the time to wait for the exposures! Sadly, my home layout doesn't lend itself to developing my film - maybe that's for when I retire in a few years!

That's about me in a photographic nustshell...:)

All the best,

Greetings Jerry. Welcome to the group, hope you like it here.
I am near the south coast in East Sussex myself.