Higger Tor at Dusk

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I'm not sure if I'm coming or going at the moment. I didn't sleep a wink last night, so heaven only knows why I'm trying to process photographs. This is the last from my trip to the Peak District. Higger Tor was nice, but on a very small scale and quite different from Curbar or The Roaches. The wind was literally whistling through my tripod and I wasn't sure if I would get away with bracketing the exposure, but I think I got away with it.

The light was pretty boring save for a few moments as the last rays of light disappeared. The rock suddenly glowed, but of course, the Sony has gone mad with the yellows and reds too. They've been turned down about 30%. The odd yellow stains were really there and I can only assume they were the result of water dripping down over the centuries...

Hmmm... cheers Rob, but I'm not so sure this morning. I'm learning that taking photographs at extremes of the day is all very well, but the results can be a nightmare to process. I've done nothing extreme with this except for turning down the reds and yellows a LOT. The rocks were certainly warm for a couple of minutes until the light went, but it looks odd to me. Maybe a wider view would have helped, but I was at the limit of my lens.

Back to the litter trays, then back to the drawing board... :)
I know we only see the low res version but fundamentally it seems OK to me. The composition is good and the angle seems neither too wide or narrow. Have you thought of just leaving it for 1 month and then coming back to it. I do that quite a bit and sometimes I have found photos that I took well over a year ago that I like but didn't at the time.
Cheers everyone! You've hit the nail on the head Paul. I tend to process right at the end of what are usually very long and stressful days. I do actually go back repeatedly, but I often regret the first attempt I put in here. I always appreciate comments and I will go back and make the changes suggested.

It's the not knowing that bothers me. You can take the most ordinary shot with no particular skill or thought and it can turn into something magical. On the other hand, you appear to have it all and technically you pull out all the stops and yet no matter how much you throw at the image, it refuses to play ball. Maybe that's what keeps us going. The pursuit of the unknown... :)
Lesley u beng tooooo hard on ur self, its a lovely image and from the angle you took it i love the way the clouds softly touch the stones.
I love the effect of the clouds all dragging the eye towards the rocks

Those stains are quite something - we have similar effects in Arizona, where they call it 'desert varnish' - although the effect is a brown stain rather than yellow/green