High-key birds

Len Philpot

Well-Known Member
It's been rainy for the last few days and I'm getting a bit bored sitting inside. I found a couple of (I believe) cormorants in a tree over a low lake. The nearly-featureless overcast sky made for an atypical (for me) high key shot, at least to a degree. I'm not a birder nor bird photographer and 200mm even on a crop sensor only goes so far. I looked at processing this in B&W but I like the minor areas of color here and there.


Here's a committee meeting of the Louisiana Association of Vultures (not to be confused with very similar groups in state government, but I digress...).

Your cormorant shot is beautiful Len! I believe they are immature "neotropic cormorants" which seem to reside in your neck of the woods. They are the smallest of the three types of cormorant.
We supposedly have double-crested cormorants, neotropic cormorants and anhingas in our area (per the mighty Google). So far I've heard them called all three -- I think I'll just stick with "birds" LOL
They don't have the beak of cormorants, I think they are anhingas
On second thought, perhaps you're right Gianluca! The beak tip would be a give away. I think I was distracted by the color. We have a lot of cormorants here and I don't think I've ever seen an anhinga.