Critique Welcomed Honda S2000

Brian Moore

A few months ago I had the opportunity to shoot some shots of a couple of specially-tuned Honda S2000s in our photo studio at work.

The night of the shoot I shot with three cameras: my Mamiya C33, my Olympus XA3, and a Plaubel Makina 6x7 that belongs to my friend, Jim.

I developed the film from the C33 and the Oly a while back.

This image is from the roll out of the Plaubel Makina, which I never got around to developing until today.

With the Plaubel I shot a roll of Tri-X. The Plaubel's meter wasn't functional so I estimated my exposure values.

I processed the roll in Rodinal, using a one hour "stand development" technique, with a developer dilution of 1+100.

Below is what I think is the best of the 10 images I snapped with the Plaubel. I'd be grateful for any critique you may wish to offer.

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Holy shoot!!! That's epic Brian!
That's come out really well. Love how the light falls on that beast.
Nice one! :)
Well you certainly guessed about right Brian. I like the composition and the selective focus here. The one highlight at the front is a tiny bit distracting even though it helps draw the eye down the side of the car. But the important thing is that you have managed to make the car look like it is ready for business (which I am sure it is). Nice. :)
Well you certainly guessed about right Brian. I like the composition and the selective focus here. The one highlight at the front is a tiny bit distracting even though it helps draw the eye down the side of the car. But the important thing is that you have managed to make the car look like it is ready for business (which I am sure it is). Nice. :)
Thanks, Pete. Perhaps I should clone away the very bright spot at the front. What do you think?
excellent work. the highlight at the front of the car was a little distracting to me too, but overall really well done. love the lighting and shallow dof. great comp. too.
Thank you, Beth. Much appreciated. I may clone that really bright spot out. Do you think that would help?
Wow - loving the black gloss shine - the car is almost liquid the way it's lit