Horned Seed

Another test shot from the DIYCam. This time an 11 minute exposure in rapidly fading light. It could have done with another stop based on the negative and if I'd extended the exposure to about 15 minutes it would probably have been about right. As a result there is quite some banding in the shadows from the scan on this version. I have re-scanned it at double the resolution which has helped a lot and I'll process the file tomorrow. But for now...


I was thinking of Karl Blossfeldt when I processed the file. :)
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I do like how you always have interesting things to photograph :) its a nice clean image :D
Thanks Beth. The dark areas on the seed don't take close scrutiny I'm afraid. A bit of a combination of under-exposure and poor scanner driver. The re-scan is better though.

Thanks David. I have quite a eclectic collection of junk to shoot. And lots of weird seeds!
That looks like a seed that doesn't want to be eaten! I think I like the darkness in the first one a wee bit better, Pete.
Thanks Glenn. Not sure about the wonderful bit though. I'll shoot it again but with the correct exposure so at least I have control of the tonal range! If I can find some time I'll try and shoot a series of my more unusual seed pods!

I think I agree Brian and the base colour is more neutral. Serves me right for re-processing the first on another machine and not taking not of the correction I'd used (I have that now!).

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