
Frank N. Baker

Well-Known Member
Or a B:D





You shit bag!! Sorry, its just that I have spent ages to day trying to get a good close up of a bee and the buggers just would go the the flower I had the camera on. Handheld shots were just impossible as the bees were fairly manic in collecting the pollen.

Great shots by the way (grummpphhh*****!!)
Don't do tripods Paul All my shots are hand held, Might on a very rare occasion use a monopod if I can find it


You shit bag!! Sorry, its just that I have spent ages to day trying to get a good close up of a bee and the buggers just would go the the flower I had the camera on. Handheld shots were just impossible as the bees were fairly manic in collecting the pollen.

Great shots by the way (grummpphhh*****!!)
Ok im confused now, al of them except for last one are bees where is the second set of wings then cos I only see one pair :/

I have decided from now on they are flies in rugby jerseys lolol
Hi Laurie,

They fold one pair over the other. If you look at picture no. 4 you can just make it out.

You can see them better in this http://md.photoshelter.com/image/I0000DCG_f0vlY3k

And if that's not confusing enough, what about the difference between a Horse Fly and a Hover Fly apart from one will give you a nasty bite!? Look at the back margin of the wings. The veins on Hover Flies stop before the edge. And Horse Flies don't hover, they just land on you and bite!!! Watch out when trekking through the field on the way to those castles ;)
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Stunning, especially #3 - and hand held!!!!!
cheers can see what you mean now from that link. I was expecting the second pair be lower than the first so therefore visible, no longer confused lol, O and as for horseflies I know them little gits only to well you can guarantee if there are any horseflies in a field they will get me!! I have lost count the times I have been bitten they leave my other half alone and target me,I am sure I have the word Cafe tattooed on my forehead lol