Thanks. Still not sure what the letters HP or FP are referring to. But, I don't suppose it matters if you have the description of the contents.
I've signed up for a course at the Stills Gallery in Edinburgh, an Intro to B&W Photography, as they teach you the basics and beyond of developing b&w film, and fine art printing. The second part of the course is devoted to medium format, so I'm very interested in that. I emailed the tutor, asking if I could bring my camera to the first part of the course as well, and she replied saying yes, and it would be good to show the other students too. She also recommended I use HP5, which was why I was checking it out.
Once I've completed the first part of the course - four Tuesday evenings in Novemeber - I can use their darkroom and print room for £12 per day. They have a lot of high-quality gear, I believe, and people on hand to help if needs be. However, they do not allow developing of colour film, although you can print from colour negatives developed elsewhere.