"i wanted some milkier water"

Brian Moore

i wanted some milkier water
is a quote from one of Beth's responses on a post of hers.

Coincidentally, I was perusing another photography forum this morning. "Ugly Hedgehog" it's called. Someone raised a question about using ND filters to get milky water. The person basically asked why is this a current craze? The responses spanned the spectrum but it came down to personal preference. (No surprise.) What I found really interesting was the way some of the forum members responded. They made "Ugly Hedgehog" an apt name, and made me thankful yet again for the courtesy and civility of RPF members.

Thank you RPFrs!
I've seen some other forums getting a little heated, I was on a Funk forum and you wouldn't believe some of the responses on there.

As for the milkier water question, I've used milky and non milky... i like them both depending on the situation
Yeah, I'm often reminded how pleasant we have it here.
I read a few forums and sometimes it just becomes frustrating, a topic is lost or diluted by at best inflated ego and coresponding opinion and at worst (as they often seem to call it) ad hominem nonsense.
Cant fathom it ...

sobwhat do you think of milky water ... I like it! I find it makes for calming photos ... And it's only a craze if you see it as one ... That sorta thing has been around for a long time... I would guess for longer than shots of non milky water concidering how slow photo sensitive materials used to be ...?

pin hole photos of such things are "where it's at" for me ... The softness adds to the feeling very nicely IMO!
As an ad hominem attack disguised as a response on the hedgehog site one of the nobs remarked that it wasn't a new craze but that he had see it in Daguerrotypes, so there! (italics added by me as emphasis of the attack). Well,...how remarkable, given the emulsion speeds in 1850!

Personally I like the milky waters OK. Prefer them out of pinhole cams like you do, Hamish.
I aggree, been around for ages, it is like everything really, what comes around goes around look at fashion & skateboarding all the kids today think they are the first where as some of us on here were at that 40 years ago LOL I remember the days in Chester @ the first UK skate park which was purpose built nearly killing myself.
If you like it, like it but do not have a go at everyone if it is different from your thoughts, we are all bigger & better than that on here.
Annoying fu*k*rs Brian - should be shot

We don't stand for that sort of nonsense over here :D