Attention Ideal Image Upload Settings

Good question. I was at my desktop computer in the middle of something else. I use an Explorer based to to resize images quickly on that machine.

That machine is my only Windows box and it's upstairs in my office.

The other site I frequent, Camaraderie, I've posted a couple of hundred images there as I can just select them from my tablet.

As this isn't possible here, I doubt I'll post more than a handful.

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It is always a tricky balancing act regarding size, space and numbers for a forum. Obviously there is a cost for the space used for hosting the site and many places use either advertising or fees to offset that. I have tried to avoid that here hence the lack of adverts. and fees and the cost is 'affordable' at the moment. We have used about a quarter of our space allocation for the price point we are on and so there is capacity still.

I guess for you is more the problem of loading a large number in one go rather than the way the hosting is structured at the moment, is that right? You could probably link images from the other site if they are hosted there.

I've got literally 30,000 images to share that are at 1500x1000 (or 1000x1500).

Most of my spelunking on this site and others like it are on my Android tablet where image resizing isn't really feasible.

I've tried posting from Google photos, but that doesn't work.

I'm not a Flickr, or smugmug or other photo sharing site member.

Quite the conundrum....
That resolution is fine, in fact it's lower than I usually post, just the file size has to be under 1mb... So more jpeg compression might be the solution. Not that that really helps your problem I guess... You can get apps to resize - but I agree it's a pain.
That resolution is fine, in fact it's lower than I usually post, just the file size has to be under 1mb... So more jpeg compression might be the solution. Not that that really helps your problem I guess... You can get apps to resize - but I agree it's a pain.

My jpg's are in the 2.5mb range. Compressing them to 1mb isn't going to be pretty.


My jpg's are in the 2.5mb range. Compressing them to 1mb isn't going to be pretty.

Yep, it's not ideal from an image quality perspective, be to be honest I feel it's rare that it actually impacts on the viewing experience on this site. Happily!

I usually to 2048 on the long side and something like 60-70 jpeg quality, but with some images it can be pushed one way or the other.
