I'm just going outside...

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
... I may be some time.

Apologies for being absent of late, but things have conspired to keep me away from the forum. Work is crazy and with my husband being sent to another site with a five hour round trip, I end up doing the zoo alone after work. Yesterday we got up in the middle of the night for a regular treatment and then up properly at 5.20. Three hours doing the animals, no time for breakfast and we went our separate ways. Upsetting news left me unable to manage lunch and after work it was back to the zoo. Derek got home around 8.00 and we didn't finish until well after 10.00. No time for dinner either.

It was the same this morning, only one of our chickens was slightly injured and no breakfast again.

I've introduced you to Purdy before - our pure white cat with the brain tumour. Sadly it recently affected her optic nerve and she was unable to blink in her left eye, leading to an ulcer. In spite of intensive treatments the eye is perforated and she is too high a risk for surgery. Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother her and she is happy, purring and eating well. It seems the next thing to go (and maybe very soon) is the swallowing, which would be a horrible end, so we felt we had no choice but to book a home visit for next Monday. I know the tumour was diagnosed 7 years ago and the prognosis was poor. She was lucky to survive the first operation, let alone continue to a good old age (15), but I'm absolutely gutted. She is the most spirited animal I have ever known and it's going to be a tough few days.

Next week I'm likely to go back to the new web site design, like a passenger from the Titanic clinging to the last lifeboat. I may also plan a day out with the camera to take my mind off things, so expect me back within a few weeks. I hope everyone is keeping well...
I end up doing the zoo alone after work.

I've introduced you to Purdy before - our pure white cat with the brain tumour. Sadly it recently affected her optic nerve and she was unable to blink in her left eye, leading to an ulcer. In spite of intensive treatments the eye is perforated and she is too high a risk for surgery. Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother her and she is happy, purring and eating well. It seems the next thing to go (and maybe very soon) is the swallowing, which would be a horrible end, so we felt we had no choice but to book a home visit for next Monday.... I'm absolutely gutted. She is the most spirited animal I have ever known and it's going to be a tough few days.

Next week I'm likely to go back to the new web site design, like a passenger from the Titanic clinging to the last lifeboat. I may also plan a day out with the camera to take my mind off things, so expect me back within a few weeks. I hope everyone is keeping well...

You run a zoo !!!!!!!!!!
Oh nooooo poor Purdy just doesnt bear thinking about.
You gotta do something to take your mind off even for a little while else its too much emotionally.

Here's something to make you smiiiile :D
Thanks everyone - especially for the clip. I guess it's a zoo Ahmad, but more in a private sense. We've taken in assorted strays and they stay with us for life. Mostly cats and ferrets, but we still have the chickens, llamas and a pig. We also used to have goats and a green iguana. The biggest problem is that we have to work to pay for them, but it takes us around 5 hours a day each to take care of them all. More at weekends.

Isn't it typical? We were doing Purdy's eye after work tonight and the lumpy bit has gone leaving what appears to be a healing ulcer. I think the lump was dead cells around the damage. It makes no difference of course because the threat remains the same.

Added to this and the computer took 90 minutes to get started tonight. We've turned off a few things including all the Google rubbish that seems to embed itself on the PC. Interestingly, about the time I started grumbling in here about my Photoshop woes, my husband installed something from the bank. That's gone too, so I wonder which was the culprit...
You're stronger than you know Lesley - truly impressed with what you manage to fit into your days
Once again, many thanks for the messages. Sadly one of our ferrets took a sudden turn for the worse on Thursday night and we had to rush him to the out of hours vet. He wasn't too bad then or when I drove him to our normal specialist vet yesterday morning, but he had gone downhill when we got him up for his treatments last night. The only think left was to have him PTS. Of course, it meant we haven't spent the extra quality time we wanted with Purdy, so I've cancelled the home visit on Monday. She is still strong and happy and we'll have to see how things go.

We buried Bailey in the garden this afternoon. It was supposed to be my birthday, but nothing seems to matter at the moment. This was taken in happier times a couple of years ago...
