Excellent Asun. Wasn't sure if was going to be these or the fire in the woods when I saw the title. The first is my favourite but I like the 'hat' too. I like the way the shadow makes his eyes appear a bit oriental!!
Hehehe, I forgot about the forest ones! I'll upload some at some point
About the eyes... I'm afraid it's not entirely the shadow's doing For some reason my brother's eyes are a bit oriental... I'll have to ask my mum why!!!
Ohhh, thanks a lot Dan! You're making me blush!
I hope I can keep "not disappointing" you!!
However these shots were easy... Spain, the model.. what else can I ask for?? (can you tell I'm homesick or what!? )
Great photos, really like the slightly gritty effect the PP has on the wall and how it contrasts with your brothers skin which is much smoother. Sorry to hear your homesick Asun! I can see why, if you took this in the UK you would have ended up with some overweight chap with lobster red sun-burnt skin in speedo's, and that's just if it was actually over 30 deg which doesn't happen often.
Hahaha You made me laugh Paul
I'm not always homesick (I've been living in UK for almost 8 years now) but when the day out there is gray and cold and foggy and I look at the summer photos, then I miss Spain
And I think you should give a bit more credit to British guys!! Not all of them are like that... only the ones who go to the Spanish holiday resorts
I don't know if you're English, but by your profile picture you look lovely
Oh, thank you Asun. I'm English and usually a bit pastier looking, the photo was taken after I had been in Iran for about 2 weeks so I had a bit of a tan.
Oh yeh, thats it Pete (if you say so...........). Come to think of it you must be almost fully fledge Deutschlander so I guess you longer turn red in the sun.
Is there any truth in getting up really early to put towels on the sun loungers, or is it all terrible lies?
I rarely get to see the sun - always stuck inside working! Mind from what I've heard Vic and Chris are always using it anyway. As for beach towels, I suspect there might be an element of truth in it!