Ina in a Top Hat

Shot on the Speed Graphic using extremely poorly arranged lighting (spot light from lower left) and only really to make sure the focus was OK (and it is).

This is the full negative (Delta 100 developed in ID11 at 24ºC) but with a tone and vignette applied.


And here is a crop that has had some edge glow applied in Nik ColorFX 4.


The next shots will be lit properly!! As I mentioned in the post on the camera, the lens is disappointing sharp and free of aberrations.
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I like the softer focus of the 2nd one, Pete. (And if it's vignetting your after just get a Holga. I get vignetting galore--whether I like it or not--with all three of mine!;))
not the best lighting I would say Pete, however I think with a super wide angle this lighting and outfit could work here.

I agree Vic. Ina hates it but to be honest it was taken very quickly and I just shone a lamp in her face so I could focus and check that the screen was aligned correctly. She sat down, just back from the gym' stuck the hat on her head, I turned the lamp round and took the shot. What I should have done of course was to focus using hte lamp and then measure the exposure without it and use the softer ambient light: what can I say, I was under pressure - Ina was hungry!! The real shots will probably be done on the Cambo as the Speed Graphic really hasn't brought anything to the mix apart from being difficult to compose and shoot with at the low light levels I want to use. Actually to be fair, it would probably be easier set higher on the tripod. But I think this is better as an outside camera.
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It does, but it is too harsh for the complexion and too directional. Hopefully we'll find a bit of time to repeat it at the weekend. Still at least it proved that the focus was good on the camera.

I've just bought an old Cooke Aviar lens on eBay and I have my eyes on a Petzvel lens from the 1880's as well as a very interesting lens on German eBay - eBay: Neue und gebrauchte Elektronikartikel, Autos, Kleidung, Sammlerst. I'm looking for a bit of softness and distortion.
I like the subject and the idea but prefer the 1st one, lighting really works for me.... looks really good, i would loose that frame in BG next time though........!!
Thanks Darren. Yes, it was just really a test shot and was taken without any real preparation. I like the idea but it needs to be set up properly. As I said, hopefully we'll have time at the weekend. I'll probably use the Cooke soft-focus lens on the Cambo next time though. And maybe HP5.
look forward to seeing version 2 of a similar shot pete
I hope we find time. A lot to do at the weekend as we're in Prague all next week. But it'll be a film week so hopefully they'll be something to show.

Prague is BRILLIANT !!! spent a week there a few years back, the one thing that fascinated me (apart from the museum of modernism) was the subway stations, they look amazing, totally space age and superb
That is some seriously classy images there Pete, takes me right back... it's a place i really need to go back to
Thanks Davie. It'll most be B&W film this time. And I have Friday and Monday to wander. Will be meeting a colleagues son who is studying photography in Prague as well which should be interesting and plan to visit the Nostress galery (and restaurant) again while I'm there - nostress. And the Prague Film Festival starts next weekend! :)
Looks like a shot from the album cover of a 70s prog rock album Pete