iPhone 4S v pro camera

adrian jordin

Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting article fom the Guardian....

"Recently Annie Leibovitz recommended the new iPhone 4S as "the snapshot camera of today". Photographer Katherine Rose put the phone's camera through its paces to see how it would fare in comparison with the Canon 5D mkii she uses profesionally"

iPhone 4S v pro camera - in pictures | Technology | The Observer

Nothing too surprising considering some of the pictures that have been posted on this forum, but interesting to see a side by side comparison.
If you stay within the technical restrictions of the iPhone, then you can definitely get great results.

What they don't do in these reviews is step outside of the phone zone with more creative photography that you can only do with the right DSLR and lens.

But that would spoil the article of course ;)

Personally I think the iPhone 4s camera kicks butt (as we say in these parts) - but it's no 5D2.
I have to admit to not owning an Apple phone myself but it is getting a bit borring when photographers compare the latest phone camera from any maker against say a Canon 5d2, completly pointless in my opinion as they are designed for different jobs after all the main point of 5d2 is to take photographs the main point of iPhone is to call someone & speak to them !
Like comparing a Buggati Veyron to a Volvo / Citroen etc because they both have wheels.After all Sebastian Loebs C4 is nothing like the one you or I could go & purchase from the local dealer.Let each thing do its own job & if it does other things it is a bonus, I sure as hell will not be swopping my Canon & Nikon gear for a smart phone soon.
I agree with you Andy and I don't own one either, if I did it wouldn't be just for the camera function.:)
You guys are all totally correct, it is pointless comparing the iphone with a DSLR , I would think a fairer comparison would be with a low to mid range point-and-shoot which i think the iPhone would win due to it's ability to edit and publish direct from the phone.

for me it has replaced the samsung point and shoot i used to have in my pocket at all times
But did you know Samsung do a point & shoot model SH100 that has WIFI built in so just go to a WIFI point & it will upload to where ever you want them to go.
Now that would be a good test & I feel the proper camera would win that one ?
But did you know Samsung do a point & shoot model SH100 that has WIFI built in so just go to a WIFI point & it will upload to where ever you want them to go.
Now that would be a good test & I feel the proper camera would win that one ?

i'd still go for the iPhone , i can post a picture to here from halfway up a waterfall , and have done