
Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
ND8, f16, Blue in-camera filter, grain from LR6, DP3Q.


I thought I'd get the colour version to look at when in SPP, but the Blue filter affected the raw file, and the colour version is ghastly. Interesting. So, I'll toddle off and do a colour version from scratch. Stay tuned.
Again f16 (I'm just curious about it). No ND filter this time. Heavily-cropped images. I need a better backdrop - sorry about the wallpaper.

iris bw 4.jpg

iris col 6.jpg
Thoughts: Some nice bits to the above, but I needed to control the lighting better. The shadows in the latter images are not good. But, the experience has given me something to think about. I don't want sterilised lighting, it should still look natural, but be more carefully illuminated.

Anyway, that's it for today. Back to work!
Jut thought, maybe f16 is another method to soften the Merrill files. Must try. I like these Rob and shows how good the lens is. Yep the wallpaper is distracting but I know the situation well when we dont have proper studio like some.
The B+W tones from the cameras is very good.
A reflector on the left would help. These are nice shots, but I don't understand the use of the ND filter. Why use an ND8 to gain a few stops when you are shooting a still life indoors? Am I missing something?
The light coming through the window was very bright, John, and the highlights would have been overblown, or close to it. Also, I was just curious what effect it would have. I wouldn't normally do it.

Julian, yup, the b&w tones are good, as is the lens. I might get some tinfoil out next time, as a cheap reflector.
I like the second one the most without going into details, but no wallpaper. I was curious when I saw the title and I looked forward to get to know Iris, but sadly it wasn't the Iris I expected.:rolleyes: