Isle Of Wight Ferry

Paul Lange

It was a very hazy day when we took the ferry back to the mainland. The weather was quite warm and humid. The effect was quite stunning really and I of course had to spend the whole journey out on deck with my Fuji GS645W.

This is FP4 processed in Caffenol CM. An aromatic blend of Soda Crystals, cheap Aldi's instant coffee and vitamin C powder. Tom's recent additions of Caffenol developed films has spurred me to finally sort mine out.

img057-2.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Excellent. Very minimalist Paul. Reminds me of some of the work of Harry Callahan when he photographed reeds and stalks etc.
Love how the horizon disappears into the horizon:)
Your Caffenol efforts were definitely worth it; hope we can see more.
Wow! Love it Paul

BTW - What's brown, steaming, and come out of cows backwards? ;)
Thanks. Not that I have a particularly wide or broad experience of developing films but I really can't recommend Caffenol C-L enough. I think it is really great how you can push some frames on a roll of film and not others and then develop the whole roll successfully.