It's More Important Then That.

Hi Vic, That 2nd shot is is great and though provoking too. I see what you mean about wanting to keep the background in now. Although, if it's part of the series you could still remove most of it, just leaving a hint and let the other photos is the series make up for what you took out the first one. If it seems like I'm banging on about I'm sorry, it's just that I find what you have done very exciting and I'm just throwing out the ideas of the things I would try if it were me.

I would love to see the other shots if you are prepared to post them.
I rather prefer the term "working photographer". Less pompous, and lets ones work speak for itself.

I agree! Also "pro" to means someone who has been educated in a field, my father had a profesion - he was a trained solicitor ...
I on the other hand have had little education beyond gcse (up to 16), I failed my a levels and dropped out of college when i tried again ... As I have said before, I don't respond well to being told what to do... I'm self taught at photography, so yeah, working photographer is more acurate!
A kid with a point and shoot can sell a shot of his aunt to his uncle and call himself a "pro". To be a working photographer, you need either a staff job or enough clients to be self-sustaining. Quit the day-job and you become a "working photographer" until you starve—or not.
Agreed ... Although I back up my earnings with web based work and a day a week in a camera shop... Maybe I'm a "half working" photographer .... In fact I quite like the double meaning of that... I'm sticking with it... From now on, I'm a "half working photographer"
im quite happy with the idea im only working at half my potential... there is always plenty of room for improvement and plenty more to learn... in fact if i am working at half my potential then i think im doing bloody well for a man of 27!
Paul ( i shall ignore these thread hi-jackers! J/K) I will post the others if you like, I'm a little tired at the moment but I will post them in the week. I'm please it's got you excited (Stop sniggering at the back!)