It's More Important Then That.

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
This is for me one of my best shots. There's a couple of things that I really like in this both of which are hard to see at this small size. The goalkeeper has a pair of sandles as gloves and the small puff of dirt behind the kickers left foot.
I have never posted this anywhere before just in case people didn't see it the same way as me. It's the last photo in a series of 4 or 5 shots that really completes it. I would really appreciate any criticism on this I can take it.


I love it Vic. I can't see the sandals but the puff of dirt, the sense action, concentration and the way it transports you to their world (the importance of that goal) is just great. And then there is the background which you explore later. My only criticism would be that I'd 'level' the horizon. A tiny bit more of the roof might have been nice but then that might have drawn the eye away from the action. Even the empty foreground works for me with an imagined sweep from the bottom left straight into the goalies hands. Wonderful stuff indeed.
I must confess to not levelling this as I should have done so, I will do that now. It is actually the background that completes the story so I should have paid more attention to that.
I think it's very good, there is a lot to look at and the colours are very nice!
I would have framed it slightly differently, but that is not a criticism at all it's a personal taste thing... Id be very proud of that shot indeed!!!
lovely capture showing fun some of these boys are having with their makeshift goalnet etc, also like the goings on in the distance with the onlooking men, loads to look at
IMHO fantastic but the thing is you have 2 great photos in one shot that don't really belong together. The two (three, look carefully) boys playing football with all of their makeshift stuff is superb when its cropped to remove most of the background. The background would make an excellent shot had the football action not been going on in the foreground.

Of course that's all IMHO but I hope that you find it constructive.
Thanks all for the input here and I've taken it all in, Paul you are right there are 2 shots here but, this is the shot I wanted most of all. The clue is in the title. The famous quote by the former Liverpool FC manager Bill Shankly, “Football's not a matter of life and death ... it's more important than that".. here's what's really going on in the background..if your squeamish look away now............


There are various others in this set but I will refrain from posting them. It's taken at Pashupatinath Temple in case anyone is interested.
I agree. Not only are they great shots with good colour and composition but they have a poignancy that only emerges on closer inspection. They are of a sensitive subject and I understand why you don't wish to post more. But that is probably more about our relationship between life and death than anything else. It feels voyeuristic in some ways but only if you think of death as anything other than a normal everyday occurrence. Pretty thought provoking stuff and something that makes the recorded image so fascinating IMO.
Cannot say that I have, or for that matter heard of it, I have looked it up and have put it on my to do list and thanks very much, coming from a Pro such as yourself thats nice but just goes to show people arn't posting enough. I would post about equipment but I have no idea so I can only post pictures:) ( want to start a travel photography company and take me on?) :)
Pete I tend to sit at a distance when I vist here or Varanasi, although with Varanasi getting too close with a camera could get you in trouble(but thats India everyone wants 'baksheesh'). They tend to have a certain calm about them, theres no wailing it's all very sureal. Thats why I wanted to get the boys playing football with that back drop. It's just the realisation that life just goes on no matter what.
and I was going to add you to my friends list, BAH!
Cannot say that I have, or for that matter heard of it, I have looked it up and have put it on my to do list and thanks very much, coming from a Pro such as yourself thats nice but just goes to show people arn't posting enough. I would post about equipment but I have no idea so I can only post pictures:) ( want to start a travel photography company and take me on?) :)

Don't be so modest, Vic. You've got a rare talent and I feel privileged to be able to look at your stuff and try to learn. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and I think some of us tend to look at the strengths of others and our own weaknesses. Your photos tend to tell or imply a storyline which makes me think - on top of the undoubted quality of shooting.

Keep 'em coming, mate. It's always a treat to see an artist at work!
haha ... sounds like an idea ;)

id love to do more travel photography... if only i had the time and or money

i still find it odd when people refer to me as a pro... we are all equal here vic... people who make a living out of what they do and people who dont... :)
and besides.. have you seen my photos? all a load of over possessed nonsense if you ask me ....
Grez stop that right now!

Hamish I like over possessed nonsense it's what I do best