Critique Welcomed Joshua Tree

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Early morning at Joshua Tree National Park

Fuji X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens


The Joshua Trees are blooming a lot this year, so we took the 2 1/2 hour trip out from San Diego to check them out.

More shots from the Blad later :p
Love it, Chris. I'd never heard of a Joshua tree before that U2 album. Interesting tree. So, this is what they look like when in bloom?!

Thanks Rob - you can just see the blooms on the tree in the middle of frame, at the end of each spiky branch - I got some close-ups with the Blad so will post once the film is deved - Fuji Velvia 50 ASA Mmmmmmmmmm

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Well done the feeling of depth.

Thanks Glenn - bit of an ND grad applied to the lover third to help with that depth - lead you into the image as it were
Color shot, again from the X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens

Two great photos Chris. I am heading more towards B+W these days and the first one is my preference. The wispy clouds are superb.
I like this, Chris. This one does give the illusion that it's on fire or smoking. The clouds are well-placed. :)
Great shot, especially the B&W! Love the treatment!

I was very much impressed by these Yucca brevifolia-plants when I visited the SW US 13 years ago....
Great shot, especially the B&W! Love the treatment!

I was very much impressed by these Yucca brevifolia-plants when I visited the SW US 13 years ago....

Thank you Rense - it's an amazing place for sure :)

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awesome stuff
especially like no.1 and agree on the clouds

Thanks Dave

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I like this, Chris. This one does give the illusion that it's on fire or smoking. The clouds are well-placed. :)

Thanks Nihat - I has a word with the weather man, and he laid them on for me specially! :D

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Here are some shots from the Blad - on Velvia 50




The blooms are not delicate like flowers, they are big and solid, like a pineapple in fact - same sort of size as well.

This year the bloom is exceptional - hence the ridiculously early start and the long drive out there :)

Flickr does something nasty on the resized images, so check out the full size on FLICKR for the halo free versions!
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