Rob MacKillop
Edinburgh Correspondent
Tried a roll of Kodak Portra through the Mamiya C330s, but am not at all happy with the rather dull results, despite it being a sunny day.
This is by far the best, most natural looking image of the day:
Turns out not too bad in b&w...Brian Cox on a bike:
One mistake - the first shot - when I thought the film wasn't yet at the first frame - turned out to be nice star nebula, with a wolf face in there
But overall it lacked a magical quality for me. Susan thought they were digital shots, and I can see what she means. Hmm...I've got four more rolls of the stuff, one already in the Zeiss Nettar. Oh well...
This is by far the best, most natural looking image of the day:
Turns out not too bad in b&w...Brian Cox on a bike:
One mistake - the first shot - when I thought the film wasn't yet at the first frame - turned out to be nice star nebula, with a wolf face in there

But overall it lacked a magical quality for me. Susan thought they were digital shots, and I can see what she means. Hmm...I've got four more rolls of the stuff, one already in the Zeiss Nettar. Oh well...