Last Bus from Brigadoon.....

Nice colours and light. This picture is a perfect contrast to the dark and cold winter night we are having right now :).
Thanks Jim, as it's an old 50's bus I wanted to give it a bit of a Chrome effect to boost the reds up a little, these dark nights do give us a chance to go over the years takings though :D
No way! Brigadoon!! I'm suprised it managed to park there with a space either side!!
Normaly you have to circle that spuare for about 3 weeks before anything becomes remotely available! Lol
Great shot Kev :)
Very nice (bus and photo) - love the saturated red, real postcard material :)
Really?? Oooohh!!! Masked figure driving?? .... Mmmhh I wonder?!? Lol
Really?? Oooohh!!! Masked figure driving?? .... Mmmhh I wonder?!? Lol

Now Now Dan calm down dear! you'll steam up yer googgles :D:D:D now where did I see that old abandoned wagon????