Critique Welcomed Leica still life.

Art Meripol

Well-Known Member
After some 50 years as a pro I had never used a Leica. All my available cash, when there was some, went to gear for the job. But all these years left me wondering about the 'mystique' of a Leica. I am such a fan of the great Jim Marshall who often had 5 around his neck. At this point I don't need any new gear and when a fellow shooter offered to sell his old Leica M4p I dove in. It had a recent mechanical restoration but the body was not lovely. That did not matter to me. I wanted to shoot with it, not wear a status symbol. Recently the vulcanite started crumbling every time I pick it up so I'm going to have it replaced with a new coat. After 40+ years I think the camera deserves it. So I thought I'd do a quick portrait of the body before I send it off.

As for that mystique? I get it. It's a delight to hold and use. It's a throwback to my younger days when I started out using a small Yashica rangefinder. The feel in hand and the sound of the shutter make you want to keep shooting. I know there are a lot of Leica wonks who will tell you this one or that one is the 'better' one. I've only used this one but it is a delight.


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It’s a delight when you find something that works so well you don’t want to put it down. The closest I’ve come to one of those lovelies is.. um.. a Zorki 4, so not close at all. Having said that, though, even those old clunkers have their charm. Being a left-eyed tog doesn’t do me any favours either. Glad it’s been a good experience.
Btw, cracking shot of the air hanger 🙂
It’s a delight when you find something that works so well you don’t want to put it down. The closest I’ve come to one of those lovelies is.. um.. a Zorki 4, so not close at all. Having said that, though, even those old clunkers have their charm. Being a left-eyed tog doesn’t do me any favours either. Glad it’s been a good experience for you 🙂
Thanks Ralph. I'm also a left-eyed shooter. I think we're one in ten.
Ah, ok. I have tried using my right eye instead (would have been useful when using my Canon 350D, rather than having my nose squished up against the screen and my thumb). It’s do-able but feels so awkward and unnatural.
Ah, ok. I have tried using my right eye instead (would have been useful when using my Canon 350D, rather than having my nose squished up against the screen and my thumb). It’s do-able but feels so awkward and unnatural.
it's awkward for sure. I thought once about trying to shoot all day right-eyed. I'm afraid my composition and horizon lines would be a different brain was using the camera. What comes natural to one eye would be out of sync with the other. Might be worth a blog post all of itself.