Leica Vs Leica?

That's just ridiculous!! Doesn't go with your furniture. I'll PM you my address.......

SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Drooooooollllllllll :D
It's a great-looking machine, the IIIa. Here's Susan's:

Lovely Rob, though that looks like iiif RD ST.
Red Dial around he shutter speed dial and Self Timer on the front.
From the early 50's

It was you posting a picture of it that tipped the balance for me wanting one! ;)
Interesting! I still can't look through it...my eyes just can't get used to it. Not that I'm allowed to use it...:oops:

We may have been over this before, but have you tried adjusting the diopter around the rewind knob.

The RF window will of course be a lot more magnified than the viewfinder window ... Looking through one then the other could maybe be a bit disorientating?