Lens Path

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I'm always impressed with Julian's Olympus 4/3 shots and wonder if that is a path I should follow. Some of the lenses are not too expensive, in the £250 range, while some are much more expensive.

Then there is the Fuji XE-1 or XPro-1 cameras with a growing range of circa £500 lenses.

Then there are the more traditional DSLR paths with wide ranging prices for lenses.

I keep hesitating before paying out for a camera body which would launch me into the interchangeable digital lens world.

Then there are mounts which allow jumping around different makes.

It's all getting a bit daunting.

And all the pathways have different tonal qualities...

I'm tempted by the Fuji XE1 with a 35mm F1.4 lens for £935 and the Olympus OMD EM5 with a 12-50mm kit for £805, using one of them as the base from which to build over the years.

Is the 4/3 system here to stay? Would the Fuji line be better in the long run? Maybe impossible questions to answer...
Exciting times!
I spotted this thread earlier and thought I must perk up with some thoughts ... (I was going to say go fuji - just a more exciting system I think)
good work! Good luck!
what made you choose the zoom over the prime?
Hamish, I plan to buy one or two lenses a year, but after paying for the camera it will be a good six months at least before I can buy a second lens. So, the zoom will give me more to play with over that time period. And all the reviews of this zoom say that it is very high quality compared to a usual kit zoom.