Les Arts

A snap from a taxi but I suspect there is at least one person here who will know exactly where this is!


Sony RX100. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX 4.
Mine only gets used in a blue moon now ... Useful to have around though, I can't see me buying another digital compact until something seriously compelling happens! The biggest temptation has been the Ricoh, and since the panasonic gm1 which looks like a very interesting but of kit... If for no other reason than mounting the m-glass :)
I really like mine. There are some types of photography that I just have not been successful with using it, such as close up, but overall I've really gelled with it. Buying a half case for it was the best thing, it made it much easier to handle. Without it I feel like I am likely to drop camera at any moment, it feels slippery. The new Olympus OMD derivative does look really interesting though....
Yeah, I got the franiec grip after finding it a bit crappy in the hand! Funnily enough I like the close up shots it takes, the bokeh it produces is lovely to my eye, almost smokey!
Have heard a lot about some of these oly cameras, but they have remained largely off my radar if I'm honest!
Yes, the RX100 makes a fantastic travel camera but, for me, only if you use it on automatic (Aperture Priority, Auto ISO) as without reading glasses I can't see enough detail on the screen. And the shutter is a bit hair-trigger. With the third-party grip it handles quite well and the bendy flash is excellent. Video is great on it.

I lost faith with the Ricoh but I must re-visit it. That tiny increase in size made it feel huge compared with the Sony and the new incarnation of the lens doesn't impress as much as the last. Have yet to use the DP2 / DP3 but I have the latter with me.