Like Ships that Pass in the Night...

Well, actually they were ships, it was night and they did pass each other!


Leica M9 + Zeiss ZM Distagon T* 18mm f1:4.0. ISO 800, 8s at f1:4.0. PP in LR and Nik SilverFX Pro 2.
Nothing like a technically acurate title ...
interesting shot Pete!
been taking inspiration from Brian? What was this... Wall pod? Post pod?
Smashin' fotie, Pete! Religious overtones on left and right sides both! Absolutely smashin'! And like Hamish suggests, technically accurate title (and follow-up explanation.) :D
Thanks all. It was shot using one of my three-legged friends! I did in fact carry a tripod to Venice with me as I planned some long exposures of the lagoon etc. These were taken on the M9 just before shooting a roll of Delta 400 on the Fuji. The only thing I'm not happy about is the lighting on the post. It almost looks like flash - which it is not - an it was illuminated by a nearby 'street' lamp. I will try again to tame it down a spot in Viveza I think.
Velvet Venice on a Stick - as an alternative title :D

Great idea and nicely executed - did you do more than one of this set-up?

So, how did the Fuji do?