Local Brook

Darren Turner


Canon Eos 7D
Sigma 10-20mm
15 Second Exposure
ISO 100
Aperture F10
ND8 Cokin Sqaure Filter
Graduated ND Cokin Sqaure Filter

would love to know your thoughts

Very good choice of perspective D!!!
Amazing shot as usual Darren! Loving the filter results! :)
whole new ball game these filters DD, loads of learning to do & playing, great fun though ;) was that ND8 you used on motor way bridge last week ?

Cheers Emma, i am sooooooo lucky living here in this very steep sided valley here in Talyllyn southern snowdonia, i am originally from manchester but moved to work in this hotel here in wales 10 years ago, and i love it..........!! :D
for me it's got everything I would look for in a picture :) .... great colours
I used an ND2- 400 for that motorway shot. Pretty good stuff that ND.
To put it into perspective...... To pointed it DIRECTLY to the sun on f/22, ISO 100, ND to the max and got about 3secs from it...love the Nagga Duck!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
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The colours are so rich - you doing much in PP to boost them or is it a feature of the filters?
cheers for that DD, will look them up.

Chris, no editing apart from crop, this was using 10-20mm and edges of filter could be seen left and right of photo so needed a slight crop.

I don't know why you don't overkill that 10-20mm Darren, it's brilliant...... I'm proper jealous! :)

I picked up this variable filter (Hama 2-400ND) from LCE for 30 quid..... Bargain!