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Richard Mullard

Active Member
Here go's on my first post.

Had the day off today annual gas safety check for the boiler, and was kicking my heels wanting something to-do this after noon rather than sit down in front of the TV, which is oh so easy to do these days, I went out to a place over looking the Thames valley and gave the Cokin P003 a try.This was to see if my post processing skills are any good at real world pictures and not just around where I live, it's not too bad considering I'm still a noob at this IR malarkey.

Okay the all important info is as follows:

Camera EOS 450D
Exposure 1/1000
Aperture f/5.6
Focal Length 50 mm
ISO Speed 100
Exposure Bias 0 EV

I know some would say why such a high shutter speed, its all to do with the light, the best time for IR shots so I've read is in the mornings or evenings, not when the sun is directly over head, I'm still working on trying to get the fake 'aerochrome' look, that needs a bit more head scratching and cussing before I can get that right.

The other thing to be very careful of in IR photography is dust, post processing shows it up a treat.

Cheers for now

That is very striking indeed Rich and very effective. Is this a straight 450D? The clouds are particularly impressive and I like the golden foliage, very dream-like. Aerochrome can be pretty psychedelic can't it?! I like the signature too. :)
Hi Pete

Thanks for that, no it's a modded 450d ie both low pass filters have been removed so it has a bare sensor, dust is a big problem because you have to disable the auto clean function before you mod the camera or it gets it proverbial's in a bunch when you next power up. At sometime I need to put some plain glass over the sensor to protect it better.

White balance was set in DPP and channel swapped in Ps that gets you part way there, then run it through colorefex using the 'geyser sunset' filter.

It is indeed a striking image, as Pete said. I like it very much, Rich. The clouds have such a lovely silvery-white luminescense against the deep blue sky and the golden grain fields really light up.

Wee bit confused though: Why is Pete mentioning Aerochrome? Isn't that IR film? (Whereas 450D is digital.)
Wee bit confused though: Why is Pete mentioning Aerochrome? Isn't that IR film? (Whereas 450D is digital.)

Indeed Aerochrome was an IR film, Kodak first developed it in the 40's this was known as 'Kodacolor Aero-Reversal-Film' and it was to aid in camouflage detection and refined it over the years finally becoming 'KODAK AEROCHROME III Infrared Film 1443' and now this has been discontinued.

This is quoted from Wikipedia on infrared photography,
Infrared photography became popular with a number of 1960s recording artists, because of the unusual results; Jimi Hendrix, Donovan, Frank Zappa and the Grateful Dead all issued albums with infrared cover photos. The unexpected colors and effects that infrared film can produce fit well with the psychedelic aesthetic that emerged in the late 1960s.

Its the 'aerochrome' effect which is what is appealing, and that people are trying to recreate it by using digital IR, coincidentally the new Fuji x series cameras have a very weak IR block filter and the pictures taken with them look almost similar to the 'aerochrome' effect.

I think I should have described the image as a false colour IR shot known as 'Supercolor' Lifepixel gives a good explaination of the process.

beautiful shot. i love the clouds and the yellow color of the grass.

just a guess, but applying a tone curve change to the green channel or playing with the green channel in the channel mixer to get the magenta colors of aerochrome. you may have to go into blending options for the adj. layer and set it to only affect the blue channel.. or try google for a ps action that does it for you.
Very dramatic - lovely effect, love the saturated colors