Look it goes up to eleven..

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
Didn't have much chance to get out this weekend so I played around with this. It's not quite how I wanted it but I have attempted this twice now and the amp is bloody heavy. This is quite a challenge, the 1st time I shot it I got too much light in the knobs and it looked like really bad bokeh. This time I don't have enough on them. I shall try again, but it involves moving the sofa as the room is long rather then wide.


damn I did actually crop the 1st one to end at the grill. it does look better. I was going to add a guitar in there also, but I don't have a nice looking one.
that was my idea at 1st and it might be worth a try. I can see this is starting to be a little bit of a mission for me. I'll have to see what nice looking guitars my friend has at the moment, I know he has a nice Marshall amp that has got some better material covering the speakers and his kids haven't spilt wax on the top of his amp unlike mine( one of the reasons for the low angle)
Very nice - I like the punch of red as well
That's American made too! Nice tight photograph!

This is off the wall but I must say we went to Yoshi's Japanese in San Francisco in August and saw Peter White perform. Peter White plays jazz guitar, if you don't know and he even made a remark about the Fender amp that he has and told everyone in the audience that his controls only go up to 11 too! Funny!
Ithink Spinal Tap jokes get stolen by most guitarists, My guitar teacher use to point at a Gibson on the stand then tell me 'not to point at it in fact don't even look at it'