Brian Moore
Olympus XA and Arista Premium 400 film processed in Rodinal. Based on a brief exchange between @Pete Askew and myself, I scanned this B&W image as color negative. I did no further toning in post.

Thank you, Julian. I often set my XA on a table in a restaurant and snap a picture or two. However, I seldom get anything as engaging (to me, at least) as this one.They are seriously enjoying their meal. Like it Brian a superb bit of covert photography.
Thank you very much, Tom. (The XA does a magnificent job of dealing with low light.)Really enjoying hearing about experiments Brian. Great result in difficult light.
Great set up with yer man on the left supping away doing his best to stay interested.
Och,...he's alright now and again!Love the toning, Brian. I imagine it's a technique you will use again. He has his uses, the boy Askew.
They're plotting the destruction of Toyota, Pete. Both these blokes work for Honda; I've seen them here and there around the facility. They're probably engineers on temporary assignment from Japan. I like the tone very much and as you pointed out the way the backlighting has blurred the edges is very appealing indeed to me as well. Thanks for the comments, Pete, and thanks for the notion of the scanning technique.Super shot Brian. One could read conspiracy or menace in it I think and the lighting is great, especially the way it has created the soft blurred edges. And, in this instance the colour scan has created a nice titanium tone look.
Thank you Ivar. Much appreciated.Pete just said it and I agree.
That's right, Chris. Plano, just outside of Dallas. (Not far from South Fork Ranch!Sneaky!
Did I see that Toyota were heading for TX?