Critique Welcomed Maastricht Streets

Very nice Rense. I think I'd be a little concerned with the look from the woman in #2. Did you feel the eyes?

Thanks Glenn! I noticed she noticed me, but generally that's not a real problem to me when I'm street shooting....:)
Just smile back, most of the times you'll get away with it.
I find #1 to be very interesting, Rense.

Regarding eye contact (image 2) I have a habit, when I think I have been noticed, of taking the camera away from my eye (as one normally would) and then continuing to gaze fixedly for a moment at some imaginary point beyond (in whatever direction the camera had been aimed) the person who appeared to have noticed. I think it helps people think you didn't notice them at all and thus I believe can be disarming.
Love the guy leaning on the umbrella - so stylish