Malá Strana 86

Wile looking for a print of the graveyard in Flora to scan, I found a near final print of another picture from Prague that is hanging in the studio. Again, the image size is 30cm x 30cm.


Mamiya 7II + 65mm lens onto Ilford Delta 400 rated at ISO 400 (ID11). Printed (Devere 507 + Heiland Split-Grade head / Rodenstock 80mm Apo Rodagon) onto Ilford Multigrade IV (Glossy RC - processed in an Ilford 2150RC using Ilford chemistry) and then scanned (Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL) as a 48 bit colour image at 600ppi. Processed in Lightroom and SilverFX 2 to regain contrast etc.

For interest, here are some of the printing notes.

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Didn't realise you were a Heiland Laddie...

Sorry, but I have to reduce everything to my level!

Love the black and white squares on the deck - a gift.
Thanks Rob. These type of patterns are common in Prague and it was the chaos of squares and rectangles that drew me to the scene in the first place. Mind, working out which level to use in the print was a nightmare - this is how it was eventually framed.
The handwritten notes are fascinating. Eastern Europe there's something about them. This photo reminds me of The Keep by Michael Mann (1983).