Pete Askew
Wile looking for a print of the graveyard in Flora to scan, I found a near final print of another picture from Prague that is hanging in the studio. Again, the image size is 30cm x 30cm.
Mamiya 7II + 65mm lens onto Ilford Delta 400 rated at ISO 400 (ID11). Printed (Devere 507 + Heiland Split-Grade head / Rodenstock 80mm Apo Rodagon) onto Ilford Multigrade IV (Glossy RC - processed in an Ilford 2150RC using Ilford chemistry) and then scanned (Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL) as a 48 bit colour image at 600ppi. Processed in Lightroom and SilverFX 2 to regain contrast etc.
For interest, here are some of the printing notes.
Mamiya 7II + 65mm lens onto Ilford Delta 400 rated at ISO 400 (ID11). Printed (Devere 507 + Heiland Split-Grade head / Rodenstock 80mm Apo Rodagon) onto Ilford Multigrade IV (Glossy RC - processed in an Ilford 2150RC using Ilford chemistry) and then scanned (Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL) as a 48 bit colour image at 600ppi. Processed in Lightroom and SilverFX 2 to regain contrast etc.
For interest, here are some of the printing notes.
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