Miss Havisham's Wedding Dress

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I noticed this one on my old website:


Miss Havisham is the old woman in the big house in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.

So, how did I do this? Well, it's just a dead leaf from my garden that I dried out and then laid on a scanner glass, and covered in a black shoe box. That's it.

Here is a link to some more from a series: https://imagesrm.wordpress.com/scanography/
I noticed this series of yours digging into your sites today and I liked the photos and the title, but I was lost about the technique you used. Now I know. Thanks for sharing!
It's amazing the work the little soil animals (and fungi and bacteria...) do with the leaves. They are little works of art waiting for a sensitive eye to appreciate them. In India such finely embroidered leaves they collect them, paint some scene on them, and sell them to tourists.