Mixed Flowers and Plants

Im glad i looked into the forum tonight as the pink red leaf is gorgeous ... everything the light, dew drops
All excellent, but that red leaf will stay with me for a while. Beautiful image!

Ditto! I really like the red leaf and the water drops on the foliage.
The mushroom and Venus flytraps are pretty cool too!
Moist Julian - very moist!

Moist Julian - very moist!


No Chris they were all outside, a moist morning, with showers. The Tropical Bio dome had been watered and whilst in them later I mistakenly I changed lenses inside and with the lens from the bag being slightly cooler than the camera and air, needed to get back into the restaurant to take the lens off for a while and let everything get equal in temperature. The rear lens had fogged up. As a precaution it was better than having regrets afterwards.