Modified Light - Beam Me Up Scotty

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
As promised in Pete's thread, I went away to assemble a torch, a sieve (well... a colander actually) and a kitten. It wasn't easy hanging the colander from the central light fitting and then tying the torch over the middle. There's a gale blowing outside and nothing would keep still. And then we introduced the cats, who thought it looked like a wonderful new game...

We had to shut Gremlin and Bijou out and eventually Bubu settled long enough for a two minute photo shoot. Hand held - one third of a second and almost nothing done in processing, not even trimming a pixel. I added some soft focus to the dark areas to disguise some of the noise :)

Get in Lesley!!!!
And there's you dismissing the theme before you tried? Looks like it's coming naturally!

Be careful though, this light painting/control does become addictive........ :)

Good effort.
That's brilliant - I bet the cats LOVED it! :D
Disco Kitty, indeed. Know anyone with a mirror ball ? :)

Nice work - I know from experience that cats are rarely cooperative subjects (with or without the camera)