Critique Welcomed More Fall Color

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Another week on, and a little lower down Oak Creek Canyon, in Sedona AZ - Late afternoon sunshine, looking North towards Schnebly Hill.


X-Pro1 and 23mm Lens with Hoya Intensifier Filter
wow, beautiful. needs a rocket in the background though. how do you like the hoya intensifier filter?
Thanks Beth - so far I like it - it does what it says on the box - no downsides as yet
Beautiful, Chris. Just beautiful. As I often say when viewing your photos - "I wish I was there"...
Thanks Rob - it's an amazing landscape, keeps me on my toes!
Gorgeous Chris. And interesting about the intensifier.
Thanks Pete - will do some testing with the filter to see how it's working - only purchased it yesterday, so that was its first outing
Big sky country...shows off the fall colors of the land. The light is intense out there...but you sure worked it. Nice.
Thanks Glenn - the weather has been unusually warm, so the colors have hung around a little later than I expected - which is a good thing! :)
Another shot with the 'Intensifier' filter - taken today with the 55-200mm Lens


Definitely makes the reds pop more - and brings out earth tones without impacting the sky or greenery