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Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
For those in Worcester does anyone every look at the structures and towers on top of the high street buildings and surrounding roads?? never really took the time myself. Some great architecture!


Thanks for looking :)
Always look up DD it's far more interesting than looking at the crap below yer need to get up there it is pretty good viewing........I feel a spin coming on. :D
Haha!! How did you know!! lol

I'm sure that's above the Lloyds bank so it going to be a difficult one.....
Just imagine that one in the papers! :D:D:D
I remember going up on top of littlewoods roof three days after the woolies fire, both now M&S (1979 DD) you may not remember that far back the City from there is totally different, something many don't see defo worth a visit,mind for the cctv though it's laced with um up there.:D
OOOooooohhh!!! there's me looking around for interesting things and places to go in Worcestershire, and there's stuff to look at right under my nose!
Hhhhmmm, I wonder. :D