More Of The "fuji Gets It"

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
"But the meeting turned out to be very interesting after all. What struck me most is that the technical part doesn’t seem the starting point in the development process. It’s not about: “let’s produce a sensor with as much pixels as possible”. Instead they start from what kind of colors, contrast and “feel” people like in pictures. And only then they start looking for a technical way to capture that. A fine example of this philosophy is the fact that one of the main guys in sensor development has been involved in the development of some of the iconic films that Fujifilm produced like Velvia, Astia and Pro. He moved from chemicals to microchips but his job is still the same: making sure the image is pleasing, has character and the right “feel”."

From here:
That's a nice read Steve - I like the way these guys think about the 'emotion' and 'passion' of photography, not just the bytes and f stops.