Just for Show More with the Fuji XF 55-200mm Lens

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Walked into uptown Sedona and popped into the local camera shop to pick up a suitable polarizer for the new lens.


Longer focal lengths definitely show haze more as you zoom in on distant objects, and the CPL helps to cut through it.

Did a couple of test shots on the way home - and also heat tested the camera and lens, as it was 100F in the shade! [drool]


Little Fluffy Clouds over Chimney Rock


Red White and Blue yonder


Red Rock, White Clouds, and Blue Sky
Thanks Rob - so far so good :)

The new lens seems to need a little more black adding back into exposures - need to have a play around and see what that's all about

The man at Rollies was very interested - he's a Canon guy today, so I gave him cr@p about carrying all that kit when he really needed a Fuji! :D

I must have been in that store a dozen times without buying anything, but today he got me good!
I look forward to hearing more of your impressions. I've got my eye on this lens. I really like the second and last photographs. Beautiful.
Thanks chaps - so far so good

Wedding today, so I'll try to slip it in for a shot or two
Photographer and guest - doing double duty today

Rented a 2nd 5DII so I had everything I needed for the day, but I bet I shoot more with the Fuji! ;)
Fabulous stuff Chris (love the flag shot).

'Got you good'? Does that mean you might have picked up more that the odd polariser then?! ;)

No, just a really really nice (expensive) one :)

- - - Updated - - -

Here's the 55-200 doing duty as a portrait lens


Christian and Melissa
It is indeed Rob - considering this was at 1/55 sec, the OIS on the lens is doing it's job and keeping everything sharp, and allowing me to keep the ISO low
Here's a grab from late yesterday on the way back to California - just off Interstate 8


55-200 at 200mm f/11
So good.

I just picked up my 55-200 on the way home. C$649, which seemed pretty good. He had a couple in stock. It's the only zoom I have. I don't shoot long often, but it's a thing that when I need it, I really need it. I'm looking forward to playing with it.