Morning Frog

Stan Hesketh

Well-Known Member
Stumbled across this fellow (almost literally) on my morning walk. It isn't easy getting a shot whilst holding camera in one hand and two dogs in the other, but managed to get these with my old Fuji digital



That first picture makes it look like somebody deep-fried the poor thing. (Are you near a chip shop?)

Looks like his left hand is missing as well. Poor wee fellow has had a hard life.
Yes I think he has been in the wars. Certainly could hop OK though. I seem to recall that there has been a skin problem amongst frogs in the UK; some sort of epidemic. He is rather brighter in colour than frogs that we normally see.
EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW I really hate frogs.........nice clear shots of these considering the circumstances (1 handed with dogs :-) )
