Mountain View

Ralph Thornton

Well-Known Member
A friend and I hiked up an old abandoned trail to the top of a ridge to get this unexpected fantastic view.

I took this with my iPhone and exposure of the white snow was difficult. I have some others taken with my 5D MKII that I haven't processed yet. When I get a similar view done ill try to remember to post it as a comparison.

If it was unexpected... What were you expecting?? (I suspect more cloud - I just have this amusing image of "hang on, we must have taken a wrong turn, there never used to be a massive snow capped mountain range there")

Will be interesting to see the comparison shot, as that isn't half bad really!
Another iPhone stunner - amazing really, but I bet the 5DII shots will be super
If it was unexpected... What were you expecting??...
I wasn't expecting the trail to take me up to that high point. I had expected to be hiking in the forest all day. Sure was fun up there though and the view was superb!