Critique Welcomed Mum

Graeme Harvey

Well-Known Member
Says it all, really. PLEASE let me know what you think.
Wonderful shot of a beautiful woman. She appears to enjoy the camera man.
Thanks, Glenn. I've never really mastered portraits, so it's nice to have such positive feedback
That's a really nice portrait! Maybe remove a few background distractions top right?
I agree with Dave, Greame. But, as an option, perhaps there's no need to actually remove stuff from the background if you shoot with a wide aperture and render the background stuff out of focus.
How's this?
I repeat... "Wonderful shot of a beautiful woman. She appears to enjoy the camera man"...but now the background is a little blurry. ;)

Complete the following old saw... "You can ---- some of the people all of the time......"
It's better for sure - but removing those distractions rather than blurring them would give a more natural look. There's a blurry halo around the top of her head now.
Thanks, Dave. Here goes....
........... And he says he's not a master of Photoshop...... :)
Great shot Grezza!
........... And he says he's not a master of Photoshop...... :)
Great shot Grezza!

Thanks, Dan. TBH, I've never used Photoshop (although I suppose that's being pedantic hehehe!).
lovley shot Grez, "Mum" looks a very jolly happy lady who certainly is a member of the family whos not camera shy :-)
Just look at that lovely engagement with the photographer - did you use some bounce flash Grez?

The only thing I'd add would be a bit of warmth - the equivalent of a skylight filter from them olden days

It would put more color into that happy smile, and really make the sweater pop