My first dabble with manual focus ........

Pete Sykes

Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Today I dug out a OM mount 50mm 1.8 Olympus Zuilo Lens and nailed it onto my E510 ...... It was a dit of a dismal day and not many folks around. But I met this lady sitting outside a coffee shop and chatted for a while. I took a couple of shots and she was sbsolutely oblivious to the fact I had a camera trained on her.....and she just kept talking. :rolleyes:





Anyway. Thee photos aren't that special.......but I'm happy with my first go at MF, and the lens seems pretty good.

Great effort Pete,
It is difficult with a moving subject and a manual focus lens for sure, and especially with an extremely small viewfinder like the digi Oly's have.... so I'd say this is a great, honest display of your new method!! keep it up and give us some more! :)
Just a tip which I found helped me a great deal... Make sure your Diopter is in calibration, I went on for so long not realising it was my diopter that was out and not my eyesight!! lol.
It does help with manual lenses especially! :)
Thanks Dan,

I know what you mean about the viewfinder being small. I bought a "ME1 Magnifier Eyecup" that helps a bit............. and I think my diopter is about as good as I can get it, I used a page from a book with print and a photos with AF.

Oooohh! An ME 1 hey, forgot all about that. Maybe I could invest in one of them!
But they are pricey for what they are aren't they.
Amazon sell them for £60 ???? but I found a blokey on ebay selling a new one, boxed for £20 a while ago........ There is one on ebay for £40 at the moment and there are generic ones on ebay cheap from hongkong but I have no idea if they are any good.