My Gear

Ben Jennings

Well-Known Member
My main camera is a Canon 350D, a great camera and has served me well for 5 years or so. It does have it's short comings such as a tiny screen on the back and generally being a little dated but I really like it and would gladly buy another should mine eventually break.

The lens I have are as follows:
Canon EF-S 18-5mm F/3.5-5.6
Canon EF 50mm F/1.8 (Mark 2)
Canon EF 80-200mm F/4-5.6 USM

I have also just acquired these lens:
Canon EF 35-70mm F/3.5-4.5
Sigma 75-300mm F/4.5-5.6

I have also just invested in some 35mm cameras due to me never actually doing any film photography before (excluding the old point and shot camera's you used to get in the 80s and 90s).

I have a Voigtlander Vitomatic 11a (with faulty range finder, due to be fixed).

I also have:

Canon EOS 500
Canon EOS 600
Canon EOS 650

All of which were bought to have the lens off (much cheaper that way), but should be fun to play around with.

And then finally for editing I have an old Intel Macbook with a copy of Aperture.
Vitomatic iia! GOOD MAN! Who have you found to found to fix the rf?
expect some serious nagging from me for a canon / nikon switcharoo ...
did you get my link to that d200 ;)
I did get your link for the d200, bit out of the price range at the mo, did some shopping for old lenses to keep me going for the mean time until I can get the ok for buying another (expensive?) digital.

Paid between 14 and 22 for the three Canon EOS with lenses, which the lenses are worth alone, one lens for Ben Hollands, two for me. (Seems fair).

Will have a play with the EOS's and then probably sell a couple of them to cover the costs and add to the camera fund.

Where would you recommend for getting negatives developed? (i've got a negative scanner, just trying to find the cheapest developer around).
Max speilamn dev a roll for £2 without prints ...
But if you have a look at some of my recent posts ... you might see my distaste ...
Im going to send mine all to Joan West who is a member here
£3.45 for dev only and the quality will no doubt be very much superior ... shes a good egg too!
Ben - don't listen to the Nikon nagging - You've already made a sound decision with your Canon kit :)

Nice idea on buying the camera lens combos for the cheap lenses - brilliant!