my glass i: Butterflys in the Wings

Brian Moore


During a performance at Cal State University in Long Beach, California.

Olympus XA
Legacy Pro 400 film
Developed in Rodinal

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Thank you, Pete. I actually have many photos of these kids backstage at various performances and some of them I quite like (the pictures I mean--lol). But I am very selective in the ones I post because the kids are all under 18 and so I always want to post photos in which they are really quite unrecognizable except perhaps to those who know them. For example, in the image above, the one in the background is my daughter but she's not identifiable really. Should I worry about this? After all, some of these kids are putting themselves about quite alarmingly (in my opinion) via facebook and other social media sites. Anyway, when it comes to the images I prefer to err on the side of caution.
Love this shot Brian, It has such a nice soft feel to it. what a great image

Thanks a lot, Vic. I don't know if I got bumped when I snapped the pic or if I just couldn't hold the camera steady enough in the dim light. Whatever it was I'm quite glad it happened. It was the "luck of the draw" once again.
Yeah, I'd def say you have the right approach ... A shame really... I think I had a rant about not being able to take photos of children once? Can't find it now, I have too many posts ...

Great shot! I too really like these sets ...