my glass i had a brew at: Congregation Alehouse

Brian Moore


Long Beach, California. That's the Congregation Alehouse there on the right of the photo. They have a good selection of beers in this place.

I took this shot on the evening of September 30, 2011 with my Olympus XA and Legacy Pro 400 film. I processed the film in Rodinal, 1:100, for 90 minutes.
You've captured the lighting very nicely there Brian and I like the motion blurred car turning right in front. The perspective is just right I think and I like the contrast / grain combination your processing of the film has given. Mind, that scanner bed looks like it might need dusting again! ;)
Thanks Pete. Appreciate the comments. (I'll clean the scanner soon too.) :)

Thanks Hamish. Can't do it in color, though, unless I go back and have another couple of brews then stumble out with color film in my Oly. (Which could happen!) :o
Yes, I know and love Long Beach, and spend a fair amount of time there. I mostly hang out at the vintage shops on 4th street. I have friends who own shops there.
Historic shot - the flying saucers over LA finally caught on film! ;)

Funny that the car blurred but the UFOs didn't...

Very nice shot BTW :)