Brian Moore

This is at Greenfield Village in Dearborn Michigan.
Greenfield Village was built by Henry Ford to represent a typical American town, and he imported all kinds of buildings and artifacts to show off American culture, creativity and invention. For example, the original Wright brothers bicycle workshop--the one they built the first airplane in--is here, along with tools and equipment.
I took this image with my Olympus XA and Walgreens 800 ASA film.
The image is an odd one in that it looks as if it has been colorized--like an old postcard. It seems to fit the subject matter. However, this was purely accidental, since I have done no post processing whatsoever. I believe the "look" may be a result of me leaving the lens aperture too wide for the amount of light coming in, thus requiring the camera's smart little brain to work hard to find a suitable and complimentary shutter speed.
I like it and I hope you do too!