my glass i saw: The Reader

Brian Moore


Its funny. Sadie enjoys reading. Whenever we're in the car she is always reading the signs and advertisements we pass by. This photo shows Sadie in her usual position in the passenger seat, attentive to every written detail that crosses her line of sight.

The funny part is, when we're at home she doesn't bother with reading. I'll put a book or a magazine down in front of her and she pays scant attention.

I shot this image with my Vivitar PN2011 with flipped lens. The film was Walgreen's 200 ASA, which is actually Fuji.
I used to have a couple of cats who used to like watching the F1 racing on the telly.

They'd sit and watch the whole race - riveted.

Couldn't get them to watch footy - must have been petrol heads! ;)

The flipped lens effect is very surreal - interesting concept
Couldn't get them to watch footy - must have been petrol heads!

I find that human beings are much like your cats, Chris. Them that are petrol heads are typically not footy folk.

My good friend, Richard, is an Englishman. A real Ducati fanatic, and generally a petrol head. Once, at the park, I passed a football to him (a round and proper football), fully expecting that he'd simply bring the ball under control and side-foot it back to me. I mean,...he IS English after all. Well, he tried, but his attempt was embarrassing. I actually couldn't believe what my eyes witnessed.

I work in the car business. Lots of petrol heads around me, but few footyfanaticos.

Sounds like you're a footy fan, Chris. Me too. EPL, Champions League, etc. Did a lot of writing about footy--principally EPL--for a website for a while.