Critique Welcomed My last images ever

Ivar Dahl-Larsen

Well-Known Member
from an Olympus OMD -EM1
a fishing village in my district
Absolutely not a fisherman, except for fishing for good images.
Most of our time, we are busy waiting...
and the autumn is here too

while I keep walking on towards

the sea
I am kind of attached to the sea somehow
That's it. May its soul rest better in hands of another.
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Thank you Rob and you are more than welcome. You are after all just a stone's throw away. Honestly, there was nothing wrong with the camera, but I seem to cope badly with two different systems. Now it is all fuji and also film. Sold it off with a little bit more than I gave for it.
Now,I'm really disappointed. I was enjoying the series and then, when I saw the boat, I was sure that next frame would show the final journey of the Olympus, on a burning ship, on its way to camera Valhalla. But no, you just sold it! And you call yourself a Viking! ;)
Well I am grateful for your enjoyment Pete, but very disapointed in your knowledge of the viking era. They were explorers, farmers and tradesmen, The latter is of great importance to a Norseman considering he passes on fine tools to someone who got it for a reasonable price, being flabbergasted by such a deal and so happy. While the Norseman stands back and enjoys his pleasure knowing that he also made a great deal as he turned in a profit. All's well that ends well and nothing went to blazes!:D
Thank you Brian, I'll have to see how I fare with just the Fuji's now. Haven't bought the last xt1 yet. Prices are better in London, so by the end of next month I probably have bought myself a new one, or an xpro2 or xt2 or.....maybe a new mobile phone?:eek:
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